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What Visa application can I lodge?

There are a wide range of visa types in Australia that you could possibly be eligible for, depending on your individual circumstances. These could range from General Skilled Migration, Employer Sponsorship, Student visas and many more. This can be a complex process that would require our migration agents to fully assess your situation to find the right visa type for you.


You will get the most benefit from booking a consultation for a full assessment of your situation to identify which visa pathways will be possible in your case.

Can I book a Face to Face consultation to see a migration agent?

We offer a face to face consultation at our Melbourne office located at 280 Pound Road Hampton Park Victoria 3976. You will be able to meet with an expert for a full visa eligibility assessment. You can contact us on 0425270546 to book a consultation.

I am unable to make it to the office? What other methods of consultation do you offer?

 If you are Interstate or overseas, we can offer you the following options:


  • Phone consultation if you would prefer to talk on the phone

  • Skype consultation if you prefer to communicate via Skype.


You will still receive a full assessment and information through these types of consultations as you would in a face to face consultation.

Who can come to the consultation with me?

You are more than welcome to bring a partner or friend to accompany you to a consultation, however please be advised that a consultation assessment will be for one applicant only. If your friend would also like to see an agent they will need to book a separate consultation.

Is there a fee for the initial consultation?

The service fee for your consultation will be AU$100, which will be credited towards your overall Oz Migration Group's fees when you proceed with our services.

How many consultations do I get for $100?

Each initial consultation is $100 due to the time and research our advisors put in to provide you with a professional service. When you proceed with our services, your initial fee is then credited towards your overall visa application fee.

What is included in the consultation?

During the consultation you will receive:


  • Information on the criteria for each of these visa types

  • Any critical dates which might apply in your case

  • Details on the main stages of the application process

  • An indication of the average processing time for the application

  • You will also receive a written copy of the advice given to you during the consultation.

What happens when I book a consultation?

Once you have booked a time and date for your consultation we will confirm your booking via email, with details such as our address.


We will also send a consultation form for you to complete and return to us at least a day before your appointment. This is so our advisor can have a better understanding of your case before your appointment.

What is Oz Migration Group's success rate?

We pride ourselves on developing the industry’s most innovative immigration solutions. Over the last six years, our success rate for securing working visas and permanent residence visas is 98.66%.


Our expertise covers the key areas of Immigration Law, including 457, Business Migration, ENS, RSMS, Points Tested, and Partners.

How much is the visa application?

Prices will vary as every visa subclass and situation is different. During your consultation, your advisor will be able to provide a quote of the professional and Department of Immigration fees.

What if I’m not eligible? Do I still pay for the consultation?

The purpose of a consultation is to provide you with a full assessment of your visa options in Australia, due to individual circumstances you may find that you are not eligible for the particular visa you were interested in.


Our advisors are incredibly experienced and you will leave with a clear understanding of your visa pathways that are available in your case. Our consultations are a professional service and a service fee does apply due to the time and research it takes our advisors to assist you.

Why should I go with Oz Migration Group and not another migration agent?

We are the experts in understanding immigration law and process. We specialise solely in immigration law to provide you with innovative solutions for your journey to Australia.


We’re adept at navigating the system, finding opportunities and avoiding hazards, creating a Roadmap for Immigration Success tailored to each individual opportunity.


At Oz Migration Group our core values are imperative in our practice to provide you with the best migration solutions while upholding our integrity.

How many consultations do I need before applying for my visa?

One consultation is generally all you need to precede with Oz Migration Group services; however this depends on the complexity of your case.

Can you check my documents before I apply for my own visa application?

We do not provide a document checking service during consultations. Once you have signed on with our services and you are allocated a case manager, we will be able to assess your documents for your visa application.

What course should I study in Australia?

We can provide you with general information about what types of courses may be beneficial to you in terms of immigration outcomes. However, education placement is not our main focus.


You may wish to refer to the list of approved courses for international students in Australia at


We can also refer you to an education agent if you need assistance with obtaining a place in an approved course.

My brother/friend/parent/etc wants to come to Australia – can I do the consultation for them?

Generally we are able to provide consultations for friends and family members for you, for best results for a consultation for someone else it is recommended that you complete the consultation in full with applicant’s details so we can provide a full assessment.

Are there any changes to visas coming up?

There are many changes that can occur to immigration throughout the year. At Oz Migration Group we provide our clients with regular updates and important information.

What types of payment can I make?

We have several payment options available for you including; Bank transfer and cash payments.

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